2013 26 Oct DC OSS Society Donovan Award Dinner

Please join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Society  for the presentation of the William J. Donovan Award® to Admiral William H. McRaven USN, Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), in Washington, DC, on October 26, 2013. Prior to assuming command of USSOCOM in August 2011, Admiral McRaven served as commander of the Joint Special Operations …

Winslow Wheeler: Purge the Generals to Fix the Army + Flag Corruption and Ineptitude RECAP

There is a devastating review of the quality of Army leadership at the new issue of Armed Forces Journal.  At Armed Forces Journal, it is an article by Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (“Purge the Generals”), and it merits the attention of anyone following military affairs, I believe.  If you think Army leadership is an island of …

Search: open source intelligence history 1.1

There is nothing new about open source information.  What is new about open source intelligence (ethical evidence-based decision-support based solely on open, legal, ethical sources and methods) is the attempt to fully integrate the proven process of intelligence (requirements definition, collection management, source discovery and validation, multi-source fusion (both machine and human), visualization (both machine …

Marcus Aurelius: False Embassy Threat a Preamble to War? + Syria Islam Divide Iran Nuclear Israeli Insanity RECAP Update 1.1 — More Prison Breaks?

The retired Marine colonel who cued me to this report opined that, “This is a hell of a lot closer to the mark than any Administration or DoS blathering.”  I would be totally unsurprised to find him 100% spot-on.  I invite your attention to the final para, highlighted.  If that is true, the (in)actions of …

Penguin: Accountability Looms for Cheney, Bush, Blair

UK Spy Warns of Iraq War Disclosures Exclusive: For more than a decade since the Iraq invasion, President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and their senior aides have stuck to the story of innocent intelligence mistakes and evaded accountability. But the code of silence may crack if top British spy Richard Dearlove tells his story, says ex-UK intelligence officer Annie Machon. By …

Review: Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America

John Nichols and Rbbert W. McChesney 4.0 out of 5 stars Sickening at Two Levels — Superb Indictment of Periphery, Completely Avoids Two Party Tyranny Issue, July 19, 2013 This book makes me sick at two levels. Level 1: It is the best treatment available of what I and many others have been saying for …