Neal Rauhauser: Steele on NATO, AIPAC Replaces US IC — Steele Comments

Some months ago I had the great pleasure of adding OSINT godfather Robert David Steele as a LinkedIn contact. We’ve progressed from that to occasional phone calls and regular emails, pointing out interesting technology and events to each other. NATO 4.0: Key Challenges AND Solutions was published with this short note, asking for broad consideration …

SchwartzReport: US Agriculture — Industrialized Food Combined with Gestapo Tactics Against Small Farms & Interstate Transport — Threatens Public Health

The food trend becomes ever more alarming. For people like Ronlyn and myself, who eat out of our garden, it has little impact, but for millions who don’t have that option, the story is becoming ever bleaker. The Obama Administration’s active complicity in this trend should be a national scandal. Industrialized Food for Profit Threatens …

Mini-Me: NSA Routinely Monitored Barack Obama, John McCain, and Other Members

Huh? ORIGINAL NSA WHISTLEBLOWER: I Saw The Order To Wiretap Barack Obama In 2004 Michael Kelley Business Insider, 22 June 2013 Russ Tice worked as an offensive National Security Agency (NSA) agent from 2002 to 2005, before becoming a source for this Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times article exposing NSA domestic spying. This week he …

Berto Jongman: US Security Clearance System — Wildly Dysfunctional

Here’s How Edward Snowden Got ‘Top Secret’ Clearance By DAVID FRANCIS, The Fiscal Times June 21, 2013 A Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee met Thursday afternoon to examine the government’s process for granting security clearance. The purpose of the meeting was to figure out how someone like Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker, could get access to …

John Perry Barlow: Spies Without Borders I — How USA is Capturing Billions of Internet Accounts Around the World

Electronic Frontier Foundation Defending your rights in the digital world June 13, 2013 | By Katitza Rodriguez Spies Without Borders I Using Domestic Networks to Spy on the World This is the first article of our Spy Without Borders series. This article has been co-authored by Tamir Israel, Staff Lawyer at CIPPIC and Katitza Rodriguez, EFF International Rights Director.  The Spy …

Robert Steele: Saving Obama, the USG, & the Republic — Proposal for the Electoral Reform Act of 2013 – and Ron Paul to the Supreme Court!

I have watched with a mixture of awe and sadness as the Chinese have so successfully kicked our President in the balls over cyber-war, and started an astonishingly active national conversation over whether or not the active measures taken by the US Government against its own citizens are lawful, necessary, or even affordable. I have …