John Steiner: US “War on Terror” Has INCREASED Terrorism

From Gary Sycalik Fellow earth-travelers, An exceedingly important article / blog is copied below.  It involves the War on Terror.   The very important rule rule is “Follow-the-Money.” So, when applied to the War on Terror what do we find?  Perhaps, we find a tremendous strengthening of the Military-Industrial-Complex, a substantiation for unconscionable U.S. military …

4th Media: Looting the Pension Funds: Wall Street is Grabbing Money Meant for Public Workers + Pensions Lost RECAP

Looting the Pension Funds: Wall Street is Grabbing Money Meant for Public Workers Oct 21st, 2013 @ 10:13 pm › Kiyul Chung In the final months of 2011, almost two years before the city of Detroit would shock America by declaring bankruptcy in the face of what it claimed were insurmountable pension costs, the state …

SchwartzReport: NSA Has Not Foiled a SINGLE Terrorist Plot + NSA Meta-RECAP

Here is what I believe is a correct assessment concerning the creation of the national security state in which we live today. Absurd amounts of money have been spent, and civil liberties abridged to an unprecedented degree, on the basis of a threat consisting of little gangs. It is transparently disproportionate, there has to be …

NATO Watch: UK NATO Summit in 2014 to ‘lock in’ commitments on Afghanistan, burden-sharing and Smart Defence

UK NATO Summit in 2014 to ‘lock in’ commitments on Afghanistan, burden-sharing and Smart Defence By Nigel Chamberlain, NATO Watch 2 October 2013 Promoting a more transparent and accountable NATO Announcing that Britain will host the special NATO Summit in 2014 to coincide with the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Prime Minister David Cameron said on …