Tom Atlee: Finding Our Way Together – Minority Views Matter

Finding our way together – through innovations in shared understanding (Collective Coherence Part Two) Majoritarian voting can get us to a workable answer quickly without having to worry about minorities and concerns. But sometimes some of us want to tap more inclusive wisdom in our search for collective guidance. In those situations minorities, dissent and …

Tom Atlee: Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy?

Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy? Dear OZY Third Rail folks, You ask “Is the Public Well-Informed Enough to be Trusted with Democracy?“ Your question dances around an even bigger, even more important situation, without actually acknowledging it and its related question: Is it realistic to depend on our current form …

Tom Atlee: Wise Democracy’s Most Fundamental Principle

Wise democracy’s most fundamental principle I devised the idea of wise democracy to help us “evoke and engage the wisdom and resourcefulness of the whole on behalf of the whole.” (“That’s nice,” you say, “but what does that actually mean?”) In this essay I explore why I consider that statement to be wise democracy’s “prime …

Tom Atlee: The Fall and Rise of Truth, Trust, and Society’s Capacity for Wisdom

The fall and rise of truth, trust and society’s capacity for wisdom We are in a period that is sometimes called the “post-truth era”, with a disturbing subtext that it might also be post-trust. Where do we turn for people, information, institutions that we can fully trust, that are dependably truthful – especially for ALL …

Tom Atlee: Understanding Oppressive Systems — and Freedom From Them

Delving into the trap of oppressive systems – and seeking ways out I found Chris Hedges article on identity politics – How ‘Antifa’ Mirrors the ‘Alt-Right’ – spot on in many ways. I also felt it missed the point in many other important ways. It was confusing and thought-provoking – and I recommend it. It …