Mini-Me: European-US Banking–Tangled Web — Tell Me Again, Why Shouldn’t We Default and Let the Banks Fry? + Financial Terrorism RECAP

The question has to be asked: “Why shouldn’t we default and let the banks fry?” What possible benefit it there to the people of a nation whose previous leaders “sold out” the entire country on the basis of lies from the banks, notably Goldman Sachs? Why not default and focus on full employment and resilience …

Review (Guest): Treasure Islands – Uncovering the Damage of Offshore Banking and Tax Havens

Nicholas Shaxson Selected Editorial Comments: “Shaxson’s story of offshore banking is nothing short of Shakespearean, a drama full of secrecy, treachery and corruption in which wealthy countries, companies and individuals collude to horde wealth in a complex global network of largely unregulated tax havens. To realize this end, they install corrupt leaders, exploit indigenous populations …

Stephen Lendman: How Wall Street Fleeces America – Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War

SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS The 1913 Federal Reserve Act let powerful bankers usurp money creation authority in violation of the Constitution’s Article I, Section 8, giving only Congress the power to “coin Money (and) regulate the Value thereof….”  Thereafter, powerful bankers used their control over money, credit and debt for private self-enrichment, bankrolling and colluding with Congress …

Video: MAD AS HELL (by the late Aaron Russo) about a Republic of Corporations, Banking, and the Dying Breed of Individual Freedom

This is the first video part of eleven parts on YouTube. This video (1990’s) by the late Aaron Russo earned him a visit from Nicholas Rockefeller around the time Russo was running for governor of Nevada as stated in this video interview before he died in 2007. Part two reveals Russo’s commentary on “totalitarianism” disguised …

Video on Reshaping Banking & Political Power: BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Rep. Marcy Kaptur and Simon Johnson | PBS

One of the better points of this video: How serious is the Federal government about justice in regards to the largest financial crisis in American history? Look at the number of persons investigating and prosecuting mortgage fraud and securities fraud. And until those numbers increase, we will not have justice. Interestingly, Rep. Marcy Kaptur of …