Robert Steele: Is Donald Trump Managing Joe Biden?

Matt Taibbi deserves credit for opening my eyes to the possibility that everything we are watching is a Wrestlemania drama, with Joe Biden as the designated “heel” or loser. Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi The more I observe the calculated insanity of the Biden-Harris pedophile-transvestite team, …

Mongoose: The Pedophilia – Transvestite Aspect of the Biden-Harris-Schumer-Pelosi Fraudulent Candidacy

That Joe Biden is an alleged pedophile is long known. That he forced his grand-daughter to shower with him, as well as how he used his dope-head son  to move hundreds of millions in illicit wealth, is also known now. Less known is the possibility that Kamala Harris may be a foreign-born transvestite, or that …