James Fetzer: Clever Forensic Investigation Offers Compelling Evidence Covid-19 is a Scamdemic

Clever Forensic Investigation Offers Compelling Evidence Covid-19 is a Scamdemic “Since we came to realize we could not trust the CDC’s 2020 death claims, we thought to search the most verifiable source of deaths: obituaries,” Dr. Huber said. “Remarkably, obituaries of real, identifiable, deceased individuals declined by almost 18% from 2019 to 2020.” Dr. Huber’s …

Robert Steele: COVID-19 Lies, COVID-19 Treason + Links to YouTube Censored #UNRIG Videos on Fake Pandemic at BitChute

Zero Hedge: The COVID-19 Data Is A “Travesty” I nailed all this in mid-February 2020 in my article for Tehran Times (one of the places Zionists and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) cannot censor me: Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? Videos …

Mongoose: West Point Military Academy Briefing on Mind-Control and COVID-19 RNA DNA 5G Remote Control Zombie World

Turning Humans into Remote Controlled Zombies With Vaccines Remote brain control via the Covid vaccine is going to eventually be possible (within years) if it is not possible now. First a A two minute teaser taken from the main video and if that’s interesting to you, see the main video here. This is not fruitcakery, …