Koko: China Rules Africa — and Ghost Towns…. + China Meta-RECAP

2013-04-03  Applause for China-Africa cooperation (Zambia) 2012-09-18  In Africa’s warm heart, a cold welcome for Chinese (Malawi) 2012-09-03  China in Africa, a Sierra Leonean viewpoint 2012-07-04  Why has China built a ghost town in Africa? Eerie footage shows brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty 2011-07-19  Cameron warns Africans over the ‘Chinese invasion’ as …

Yoda: Google Glass — Dark Side of the Force? + Big Data RECAP

Concerns, have we. Google Glass: The opposition grows “Stop The Cyborgs” is a new site that attempts to bring a balanced trepidation to the unbalanced idea that we’ll all be walking round with Google’s outer brain strapped to our faces. The opposition will congregate in dark corners. They will whisper with their mouths, while their …

Michel Bauwens: Applying Sharing Economy to Education — Comment from Robert Steele and 21st Century Education RECAP

How We’re Applying the Sharing Economy to Education By Andrew Grauer A sustainable economy requires that both the supply and demand sides benefit from a transaction. In education, we see so many inefficiencies between those supplying the knowledge and those consuming it. Teachers feel like they’re being underpaid and students feel like they are overpaying …

Reference: John Brennan’s Opening Statement — Extreme Fluff + CIA Meta-RECAP

PDF 8 Pages:  Statement for the Record to the SSCI of 7 Feb 2013 (John Brennan) One useful insight:  “Trust deficit” between Congress and CIA has never been greater. One questionable rah rah:  103 stars on the wall.  Counting Khost Kathy, at least half and probably more like two thirds are deaths that resulted from …

Reflections on Lincoln, Principle, Compromise, Autonomous Internet & Citizen Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence 2.0 with Meta-RECAP

EDIT of 21 January 2013:  I have gotten both sharp criticism from folks I revere, and complements.  I am more than willing to delete this, but I am more interested in having people think outside the lines.  I’ve made some revisions, adding issues and readings in each section.   Email me as you please, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] …

Reflections on the US Military — Redirection Essential — and a Prerequisite to Creating a 450-Ship Navy, a Long-Haul Air Force, and an Air-Liftable Army + Sanity RECAP

Telling the truth to those who have replaced intelligence with ideology and integrity with loyalty to something other than their Republic is most difficult and more often than not will get you fired, because those without integrity tend to be promoted in corrupt systems, and they see clearly the threat to their world-view — and …