John Robb: 147 Banks & Corporations as Global Financial Cancer, Gray Markets Fairs, Urban Foraging

JOURNAL: Global Financial Cancer EXTRACT:  A new paper, The Network of Global Corporate Control by Vitali et. al. from ETH in Zurich.  This paper finds, through extensive network analysis, that a small group of tightly intertwined financial institutions control the bow of the global financial system.  It is in effect, the world’s first super-organism.  147 …

President’s Cancer Panel Report, Pharma Trace Contamination of Freshwater Supplies

This year’s report focuses primarily on environmental factors that contribute to cancer risk. According to the report, pharmaceutical drugs are a serious environmental pollutant, particularly in the way they continue to contaminate waterways across the country. 2008–2009 Annual Report from the President’s Cancer Panel REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL CANCER RISK: What We Can Do Now (240 pages) …

Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009

By Chris Busby, Malak Hamdan and Entesar Ariabi Abstract: There have been anecdotal reports of increases in birth defects and cancer in Fallujah, Iraq blamed on the use of novel weapons (possibly including depleted uranium) in heavy fighting which occurred in that town between US led forces and local elements in 2004. In Jan/Feb 2010 …