Telegeography Global Traffic Map 2010 + Cell Phones & Cancer: New Report Sends Mixed Messages

Global Traffic Map 2010 The Global Traffic Map depicts voice traffic flows on the world’s largest international calling routes. Accompanying figures and tables provide valuable insight into regional traffic flows, price and revenue trends, top calling destinations, the impact of mobiles on the international voice market, and the scale of Skype. Cell Phones & Cancer: …

Journal: Israel’s Government a Mutant Cancer

If the peace settlement does not include relocation assistance (economic), the settlers who want to relocate will be left ruined–at the same time that the government has ruined them, it plans to once again ruin Lebanon.  Apart from economic equity for the relocatable settlers, a regional water management treaty that is fully transparent and enforceable …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Empire as Cancer Including Betrayal & Deceit

Empire as a Cancer Including Betrayal & Deceit Review: A Peace to End All Peace–The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East Review: Acts of Aggression Review: After Iraq–The Imperiled American Imperium Review: Blowback–The Costs and Consequences of American Empire Review: Day of Empire–How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance–and …

Experienced Pathologist Explains Blood Clots, Nano Tech and Parasites in COVID Vaccines

Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist with 26 years of experience, explains that the blood clots that have been found by morticians, and also in living patients, are congealed protein made from an amyloid-like material. Dr. Cole said the microscopic rod and circuit-like structures others have identified as graphene oxide are actually cholesterol crystals, stacked-layered cholesterol, …

Ann Delap: Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 15

Part 15 The depopulation agenda is further exposed. The use of food additives, toxic chemicals in consumer products, GMOs and family planning are examined. Most of the additives in food, water, beauty, care and cleaning products are poisonous. Many cause cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. There are metal casings in some food products which result in …