Parag Khanna: China is a big tree, but it is not the forest — Making peace in Asia

It’s not too late for Asia to avert disaster I recently had the opportunity to speak at length about Sino-Asian dynamics with David Barboza, founding editor of The Wire China. We discussed the dangerous China-centric bias is analysis of Asia, and the importance of understanding how weaker powers practice a shrewd “multi-alignment” (the term I coined …

Zero Hedge: Pepe Escobar on the South China Sea — China Wins, US Loses, This Is A Good Thing…

Escobar: The Heart Of The Matter In The South China Sea Yet “freedom” was never the issue. In imperial terminology, “freedom” means that China must obey and keep the South China Sea open to the US Navy. Well, that’s possible, but you gotta behave. That’ll be the day when the US Navy is “denied” the …

DefDog: China’s Massive Amount of Immunotoxic 5G Networking and the Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus

China’s Massive Amount of Immunotoxic 5G Networking and the Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus Could there be a link between the Coronavirus and 5G? Researcher and building biologist Paul Doyon has just spent the last 18 months in China. He’s written a brilliant article laying out the evidence. And how you can protect yourself—an …