David Swanson: 10 Problems with the Latest Excuse for War [Against Syria]

10 Problems with the Latest Excuse for War If you own a television or read a newspaper you’ve probably heard that we need another war because the Syrian government used chemical weapons. If you own a computer and know where to look you’ve probably heard that there isn’t actually any evidence for that claim. Below …

David Swanson: Obama’s Campaign to Glorify the War on Vietnam

Obama’s Campaign to Glorify the War on Vietnam Wars exist because lies are told about past wars. When President Obama escalated the war on Afghanistan, he revived virtually every known lie about the war on Iraq, from the initial WMD BS to the “surge.”  While Americans remain unfathomably ignorant about the destruction of Iraq, a …

David Swanson: Jody Williams, Vermont Girl & Nobel Laureate Who Led World to Ban Landmines

Her Name Is Jody Williams Jody Williams’ new book is called My Name Is Jody Williams: A Vermont Girl’s Winding Path to the Nobel Peace Prize, and it’s a remarkable story by a remarkable person.  It’s also a very well-told autobiography, including in the early childhood chapters in which there are few hints of the …

David Swanson: Two US States Focus on Free/Affordable Education

Now Two States Pursue Truly Affordable Education Maryland may soon join Oregon in exploring solutions to the crisis of student debt and unaffordable education. Education is supposed to be a human right.  But the United States puts people into deep debt to pay for it.  Short of taxing billionaires or dismantling bombers (both of which …