NIGHTWATCH Extracts: US Foreign Policy Confused

Koreas Comment: The White House statement presented the exercises in the context of routine behavior among Allies, timid and defensive. The Defense Department and UN Command statements indicated the exercises are pointed, aggressive and intended to be intimidating. The two statements neutralize each other because reassurance always trumps vigilance. Undermining both statements is the fact …

Monograph: The U.S. Intelligence Community and Foreign Policy Getting Analysis Right

This monograph by Dr. Kenneth Lieberthal, a PDF of 81 pages, is just out (September 2009) from the China Center of the Brookings Institute.  In its area of specific focus, getting analysis right, it is a solid B+, short of an A because it continues the unilateralist mind-set that eschews both full engagement with the …

Journal: US Foreign Policy Toward Honduras Uninformed, Intrusive, Embarassing

US prepares further sanctions against Honduras Phi Beta Iota: This borders on infantile idiocy.  Honduras has a Supreme Court ruling against the ousted President.  What we have here is the US still having a big stick but having lost its mind.  The Department of State is either embarrassingly stupid, or so politicized that ideological bullies …

Review: A Foreign Policy of Freedom–Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship (Paperback)

30 years of speeches, straight common sense November 6, 2007 Ron Paul I would normally give a book like this four stars because it is a collection of speeches entered into the Congressional Record over a 30-year period with no overview. I give it five stars because of the integrity and consistency of the author, …