Owl: Radioactive Panic on West Coast Likely – Government Continues to Lie to Public About Actual Facts and Probable Trends

Connecting Some Dots: Fukishima, the World Economy and NDAA The on-going catastrophic, massive release of nuclear radiation from Fukishima offers a high probability of being cataclysmic in its effects and implications for the world economy, the health of millions of people and the continued freedom, such as it is, of US citizens, and may trump …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Atomic Bomb of Cyberspace (US Leak that It Did Stuxnet) Phi Beta Iota:  Disinformation.  Israeli’s did it, US has no clue.  A political move, David Axelrod being the most likely source of the insane guidance to let this disinformation “leak.” Bilderberg Image of Dense Connections BOOK: Terminator Planet: The First History of Drone Warfare, 2001-2050 …

Reference: US Intelligence on Global Water Security

ODNI Releases Global Water Security ICA ICA_Global Water Security See Also: PDBWater (Winston Maiki, RIP – one man two-days) Reference: Future Water Wars A Summary Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls Robert Steele: Global Trends 2030 – Gaps + RECAP  

Mini-Me: Global Water Theft Planned by World Bank

Water Industry, World Bank Pilot New Scheme To Drive Public Water Into Private Hands World DAVOS-KLOSTERS, SWITZERLAND – This January 26th, the water industry will privately review its newest strategy for driving public water resources into private hands at the World Economic Forum. A partnership quietly launched in October with funding from the World Bank, Coca-Cola …