Howard Rheingold: Information Wrangling — Seek, Sense, Share

Bryan Alexander takes off from Jane Hart’s personal knowledge management routine to describe his own method of handling information overload, which he calls “information wrangling.” He works through channels and sources daily, reflects, and shares. Alexander details each of these processes in his blog. Bryan Alexander My daily info-wrangling routine   Jane Hart describes her daily …

Howard Rheingold: Information Overload

I’ve scooped before about Ann Blair’s book of pre-modern info-overload — and what was done about. This is a nice short musing about today’s information overload discourse. Information Overload, Past and Present Dan Cohen The end of this year has seen much handwringing over the stress of information overload: the surging, unending streams, the inexorable …

Howard Rheingold: How to Write Faster

This is about infotention — “combination of the right kind of practice and the right kind of tools.” I share thesis whisperer’s enthusiasm for Scrivener for long projects or even short writing projects that have many moving parts. From – September 25, 9:06 PM “Significant gains in writing productivity can be gained by a combination …

Howard Rheingold: YouTube (7:31) Precision Information Awareness for Emergency Responders

Infotention comes to a community for whom it is literally a life and death manner. This video introduces a dashboard for emergency response professionals. “The Precision Information Environment (PIE) Activity Awareness Environment was designed to improve the information synthesis process by bringing in multiple, disparate data feeds and sources, extracting features of interest and visualizing …

Howard Rheingold: Evernote + Hootsuite = Infotension Boost

As I note (perhaps too often), infotention involves practicing attentional self-training in conjunction with learning appropriate information tools. Dashboards such as Netvibes (RSS) and Hootsuite (social media) can help you coordinate the internal and external components. I use both Evernote and Hootsuite, so was pleased to see this short (under 5 minute) video about how …

Howard Rheingold: Teaching Metacognition

I teach metacognition to my Stanford students by starting with exercises that help them develop an awareness of how, where, and why they are directing their attention online (“self-monitoring strategies”). This presentation, summarized here (with a link to the slides and podcast of the original) talks about the importance of teaching metacognition to improve learning. …