Howard Rheingold: Filtering – from Information Deluge to Context with JP Rangaswami

JP Rangaswami’s thoughtful series of blog posts on the why and how of filtering online info-flows is a fundamental infotention text. Instead of Scooping all seven, I’ve Scooped this blog post by Jon Reed that summarizes and links to all seven parts. Filtering JP Rangaswami – from information deluge to context Jon Reed diginomica, 7 …

Howard Rheingold: 30 Apr – 12 Jun Webinar “Toward a Literacy of Cooperation: Introduction to Cooperation Studies”

Esteemed co-learners — We’re convening “Toward a Literacy of Cooperation: Introduction to Cooperation Studies,” April 30 – June 12. A detailed syllabus: Cost: $300; $250 if you’ve taken a Rheingold U course before; $500 if your company reimburses you. In addition to the monetary cost, a commitment to participate is required. The real magic …

Howard Rheingold: Streamtools – a Graphical Tool for Working with Streams of Data

Introducing Streamtools: A Graphical Tool for Working with Streams of Data New and open source from the New York Times R&D Lab We see a moment coming when the collection of endless streams of data is commonplace. As this transition accelerates it is becoming increasingly apparent that our existing toolset for dealing with streams of data is …

Howard Rheingold: beginner’s guide to tool (s) leveraging the Internet

Automating repetitive processes, including those you use to seek, filter, tag, store, and retrieve information, can be a useful infotention practice. I’ve Scooped IFTTT before. This blog post is by social media management service Buffer, so the examples are Buffer-centric, but any of these automation tools can be applied to a variety of platforms, services, …

Howard Rheingold: Multiplexing vs. Multitasking – the Human Computer Interface Enhancing or Degrading?

While Google Glass is what most of the world hears about wearable info-devices these days, Steve Mann and Thad Starner were experimenting with (much bulkier!) wearable devices at the Media Lab more than a decade ago. I interviewed Tharner back then. He had a head-mounted display and he also communicated wirelessly with his networks through …

Howard Rheingold: Seven Principles of Information Filtering

Filtering Seven Principles Filtering is essential to the info-handling side of infotention, and JP Rangaswami is one of the few people I look to for deep and broad thinking about infotention issues (Harold Jarche and Robin Good are others who immediately come to mind). Consider adding his blog to your RSS aggregator: confused of calcutta: …