Howard Rheingold: News Discovery Tools – Slices for Twitter Organizes and Auto-Curates Your News Stream Into Categories

News Discovery Tools: Slices for Twitter Organizes and Auto-Curates Your News Stream Into Categories Robin Good: Slices is a news discovery app that allows you to find the news that interest you by “slicing” the Twitter timeline into topic-specific categories, making it much easier to find what you are looking for. From Pandodaily official review: …

Howard Rheingold: How to manage a research library with Zotero

How to manage a research library with Zotero | Impact of Social Sciences Infotention-technique-rich — Howard “Keeping up to date with research and managing an ever-increasing number of journal articles is skill that must be well-honed by academics. Here, Alex Hope sets out how his workflow has developed using Zotero, Dropbox, Goodreader and his iPad.” …