Bin Laden Show 20: NIGHTWATCH on Pakistan

NIGHTWATCH: Four points are clear. Pakistan is much  more concerned about India than about internal terrorism or the Taliban  in Afghanistan. Pakistan has many alternatives to the ISI Directorate  for managing clandestine arrangements with terrorists. The Intelligence  Bureau must be investigated. The timing of all known clandestine  arrangements falls within Musharraf’s tenure. Phi Beta Iota: …

CIA Declassifies 1917 Document, Panetta Glows

CIA Declassifies Oldest Documents in U.S. Government Collection April 19, 2011 The Central Intelligence Agency today declassified the United States Government’s six oldest classified documents, dating from 1917 and 1918. These documents, which describe secret writing techniques and are housed at the National Archives, are believed to be the only remaining classified documents from the …

NIGHTWATCH Special Report: Afghanistan Taliban Numbers

NightWatch 29 November 2010 Special Report: October in Afghanistan Findings: The number of clashes in October in the NightWatch data base, which contains exclusively open source reports on fighting, remained elevated, at 701. The Taliban “victory” offensive continues. NightWatch estimates this number represents a fourth to a half of the actual total, but it includes …

Journal: Can’t Get No Satisfaction from US Intelligence Community…

Dowd says it pretty well. My guess is that because CIA connsiders ISI an “asset”, they insist that no one including themsleves target the ISI. This of course means that ISI can continue using CIA and the U.S. as pawns in thier undeclared cold war against India. Op-Ed Columnist The Great Game Imposter By MAUREEN …