Caitlin Johnstone: Truth Is a “Kremlin Talking Point”

Truth Is A Kremlin Talking Point If you’re in the mood for some depressing amusement, just type the words “Kremlin talking point” without quotation marks into Twitter’s search engine and scroll through all the results which come up. Just keep on scrolling and observe how this label, “Kremlin talking point”, gets bleated by mainstream empire loyalists …

Robert Steele: John Brennan Treason Update — Now Includes Steve Bannon, Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol and John Bolton

Are Steve Bannon, Mitt Romney, & Bill Kristol All Seeking to Impeach President Donald Trump? Is John Brennan Doubling Down on His Own Treason with Gina Haspel’s Help? Is John Bolton now is full treason mode? As an intelligence professional — the only one I know of committed to holistic analytics, true cost economics, and …

Chuck Spinney with Pierre Sprey & Winslow T. Wheeler: Bankrupt and Irrelevant – the Presidential Debates and Four Recent Studies on Pentagon Spending

Bankrupt and Irrelevant: the Presidential Debates and Four Recent Studies on Pentagon Spending by Pierre Sprey, Chuck Spinney and Winslow T. Wheeler In the almost 12 hours of Democratic Party presidential primary debates on June 26-27 and July 30-31, the words “Pentagon budget” or “defense spending” were not uttered, except for a fleeting, unanswered comment …