Ann Delap: Cabal Video Series Parts 1-10 with Summaries — JFK Jr. Alive Free Energy Human Trafficking Satanic Rituals Media Manipulation Dawn of a New World

SHORT URL: General Overview This is the BEST red pill documentary expose̒ of the ugly truths about our world and the people who run it I have seen in a while. The narrator includes a lot of information in ten relatively short episodes and offers insight into the QAnon movement. Mind-blowing information for the …

Yoda: Stupid Navy — Stupid Northrup Grumman — Death to Sailors From Screens that Kill

Death by screen — thank you, stupid Navy, thank you stupid Northrup Grumman.  Thank you worthless Inspectors General and worthless  Congress. Collision Course When the USS John S. McCain crashed in the Pacific, the Navy blamed the destroyer’s crew for the loss of 10 sailors. The truth is the Navy’s flawed technology set the McCain …

Zero Hedge: Durham Seeks to Indict Brennan?

Durham Reportedly Seeking Ex-CIA Director Brennan’s Emails, Call Logs Over Russian Probe Specifically, Durham has requested Brennan’s emails, call logs, and other documents from the C.I.A. (and judging by Barr’s statement that “other agencies are cooperating very well,” we suspect Durham will get what he wants.

Yoda: Supreme Leader Respects Jews — Focus on Zionists, Eliminating Invented Criminal Apartheid Genocidal State of Israel — Make the Deal, Mr. President!

A story republished around the world. Leader: Elimination of Israel doesn’t mean elimination of Jewish people “We provide support for the Palestinian people. We are not anti-Semitic. Jews are living in our country (Iran) under the highest level of safety,” the Leader emphasized. “Elimination of the Zionist regime is meant that the Palestinians who are …

Gordon Duff: Russia says Baghdadi killing faked by US [& Israel] UPDATE 11

Exclusive: Russia says Bagdadi killing faked by US, part of new move against the region by Deep State Russian intelligence inside Syria reported that their S400 radar systems which cover Idlib saw no American aircraft over the area where the Baghdadi raid was claimed.  UPDATE 11: Robert Steele sums it all up in article published …