Robert Steele: General Michael Flynn Exonerated — No Pardon Needed — Covington Should Be Sued for $3.5M Full Reimbursement and DoJ Should Indict All DoJ and FBI Traitors Starting with Joe Pientka

Breaking: Flynn Case Dropped by Justice Department Breaking: Mueller Thug Attorney Brandon Van Grack Resigns From Flynn Case, Other Govt Cases After Bombshell Documents Reveal He Hid Brady Material President Donald Trump: “I Hope a Lot of People Pay a Big Price – Because They Are Crooked, Dishonest People!” Covington — and Eric Holder — …

Robert Steele: Gold War Against Russia and 9/11 Complicity? — Another Reason to Hang John Brennan (and Buzzy Krongard) After Due Process of Law . . .

John Durham investigation intensifies focus on John Brennan Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner As Durham intensifies against Brennan, I would like to be sure that Brennan’s start as a war criminal is not overlooked. Brennan, who is a political toady analyst, not a case officer, got his start as a political criminal when George Tenet (himself …

Robert Steele: Two Letters Documenting What the US Government Knew on 3 February 2020 About the Virus, Medical Malpractice, and Media Censorship

SHORT URL: This is what the US Government knew on 3 February 2020. The answer letter was probably not shown to the President (just as my cyber-vulnerability letter in 1994 was not shown to the President). There are however signals that the President is fully aware of all the permutations, and a massive positive …

Review: The Christian Gospel for Americans – A Systematic Theology by David Ray Griffin

5 Stars — Re-Boots Christianity for Americans David Ray Griffin is a GIANT as a theologian and leading proponent for “process” theology, which holds that God is not a transcendent eternal and unchanging being but God is immanently involved in the world, God’s very being unfolding in space and time, nature, history and culture. The …