Worth a Look: Anatoly Fomenko on History, Fiction or Science?

Recorded history is a finely-woven magic fabric of intricate lies about events predating the sixteenth century. There is not a single piece of evidence that can be reliably and independently traced back earlier than the eleventh century. This book details events that are substantiated by hard facts and logic, and validated by new astronomical research …

Berto Jongman: Senator Mark Warner and Entire Senate Intelligence Committee Compromised, Corrupt and Finally Exposed…

Senator Mark Warner and Entire Senate Intelligence Committee Compromised, Corrupt and Finally Exposed… Everyone on the committee has been compromised by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman participating with, and being in ideological agreement with, the Uniparty conspiracy effort to take-down President Trump. Yes, that includes Marco Rubio, James Lankford and Tom Cotton.

C. J. Hopkins: The De-Putin-Nazification of America — the Grand Democratic Plan Built Around (Black) Senator Kamala Harris

The de-Putin-Nazification of America California Senator Kamala Harris, multimillionaire woman of the people, and friend of rapacious banks like OneWest, must have impressed the Bridgehampton Cell, because their comrades in corporate-owned media immediately launched a propaganda campaign to get the word out to the American people (who’ve been suffering under occupation for going on the …

Joachim Hagopian: Overview of Global Elite Pedophilia Inclusive of Vice President Mike Pence and Senators Feinstein, Graham, Kaine, McCain, Schumer UPDATE 2 Book Online

PedoGate Update: The Global Elite’s Pedophile Empire is Crumbling – But Will it Ever Crash? “Tory Smith openly accused Vice President Mike Pence of being “a pedophile and child murderer,” and that Pence was the globalist system’s running mate choice foisted on Trump not unlike Reagan’s required VP was Bush senior. Speculation exists over whether …