Journal: Secretary of State Lacks Intelligence Support

Egged on by a nuclear-armed Israel and its wholly owned subsidiaries throughout the US government, a blizzard of recent news reports make it clear that President Obama’s foreign policy team is becoming obsessed with Iran, particularly, but not exclusively, its nascent atomic energy program. Obsessions are dangerous, because in any conflict, be it political, economic, or …

Journal: U.S. Air Force–Remote from War & Reality

Unmanned limits: Robotic systems can’t replace a pilot’s gut instinct BY COL. JAMES JINNETTE, USAF Unmanned combat systems have fundamental limitations that can make their technology a war-losing proposition. These limitations involve network vulnerabilities, release consent judgment and, most importantly, creative capacity during air combat and close air support (CAS) missions. Although futurists might assume …

Journal: Chuck Spinny Flags Glenn Beck, Populist Rage is Rampant and Rightly So…

Chuck Spinney says: Even though OODA loops shaping nutty mass behaviour are becoming ever more disconnected from reality, Frank Rich shows this fact does not imply that the phenomenon of populist rage is not based on some real frustrations, grievances, anxieties, and fears.  CS The New York Times OP-ED COLUMNIST Even Glenn Beck Is Right …

Journal: Spinney, Boyd, Green, Kuhn on “Can America Be Salvaged?–Public Intelligence Aspects”

This lengthy piece is organized as follows: 1)  Chuck Spinney on how our partisan “leaders” are disconnected from reality and leading us over a cliff, with reference to John Boyd. 2.  An extract and link to the always brilliant CounterPunch where David Michael Green discusses the core issue: Can America be salvaged? 3.  A Phi …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights: Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder

The attached report in the New York Times portrays, perhaps inadvertently, some of the mental effects of the Taliban’s (really the Afghan) style of war, note particularly an impression of being surprised by the tactical skill exhibited by the Aghan insurgents.  In that sense, this report compliments and reinforces the far more detailed information in …