Owl: Pope Outraged Over Leaks on Vatican Corruption — Should He Adopt US Tactics?

No institution on planet Earth – no matter how allegedly “respectable” – seems exempt from lies, fraud, graft, corruption, and so on, and all of them are highly intent on exterminating the “whistleblowers” within them, even the Catholic Church: Pope calls in Opus Dei troubleshooter to uncover source of Vatican leaks Cardinal given ‘pontifical mandate’ …

NIGHTWATCH: Fatwa Against Christian Sites – Pope’s Assisi Peace Summit a Clear Failure for Lack of Strategic Depth

Saudi Arabia: For the record. European Christian websites have reported Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Shaikh, one of the most influential religious leaders in the Muslim world, issued a fatwa against non-Muslim places of worship last week. In response to a Kuwaiti lawmaker who asked whether Kuwait could ban church construction in Kuwait, the Sheikh …

John Robb: The Pope of the Church of Capitalism / Capo of Government-Sanctioned Financial Terrorism

JOURNAL: The Pope of the Church of Capitalism Let’s step a bit outside of the day to day grind.  I spent a bit of time watching the Chairman of the Federal Reserve “scold” Congress.  This got my brain thinking a bit outside the box.  So I’ll share with you my thoughts. The Chairman of the …

Event: 26 Oct 2011 Assisi Italy Pope, Peace, & Prayer — 5th Inter-Faith Event Since 1986 — Terms of Reference…

UPDATED 26 October 2011 (Vatican focus on global financial reform / authority, need for ethics – avoids addressing secular corruption as we suggested in below letter sent January 2011) Penguin: Vatican Calls for World Government…Oopps Vatican, Ethics, & Truth I (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for …

Journal: “Queer Kissing Flash Mob” to Confront Pope

Barcelona is known as one of Spain’s most vibrant cities, but when Pope Benedict XVI touches down there Sunday, he’ll be greeted with something extra colorful: a massive “queer kissing flashmob.” According to the event’s Facebook page, organizers have invited same-sex couples from all over Spain to congregate in front of the city’s cathedral Nov. …