Mongoose: VICE – Spy Agencies are Like Old Porn

Aging porn stars….too funny. Spy Agencies Are Like Old-School Porn — But That’s Changing By Jennifer Peters at EXTRACT The traditional intelligence agencies are a lot like the old-school porn industry: they’re still trying to make and sell porn like it’s 1979, even though a lot of what they’re selling is just hanging out …

Berto Jongman: Washington Post Discovers Deep Web — and the World Bank’s Unindexed PDFs — PBI Technical Team Comments

Only fifteen years after Abe Lederman said the same thing at OSS! The solutions to all our problems may be buried in PDFs that nobody reads What if someone had already figured out the answers to the world’s most pressing policy problems, but those solutions were buried deep in a PDF, somewhere nobody will ever …

Event: 11 April Amsterdam – The World in 50 Years, a Foresight Exercise

An Interesting Afternoon – The world in 50 years and how do we get there? April 11 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm [Amsterdam] We are happy to announce this event which is all about future studies. We bring together state-of-the-art future studies and projects, futurist thinkers and book authors. If you are into future …

Reflections on Intelligence Reform

SHORT URL: Security sector reform and advancement begins in the mind.  In the 21st Century, raw information and tailored intelligence (decision support) are fundamental to progress at the strategic, operational, tactical, and technical levels. If we are to properly address intelligence governance from a comparative and international perspective rooted in an appreciation for the …