NIGHTWATCH: Iran – Turkey – Brazil Nuclear Axis

Turkey-Iran:  A senior Iranian official recently said Iran is willing to share its nuclear technological capability with neighboring, friendly countries, which could include helping Turkey build an atomic power plant. For years Turkey has tried to build a nuclear power plant, but no Western country has been willing to help, the official said, adding that …

Chuck Spinney: Perspective on Turkey-Israel Relations

Below is an excellent perspective on Turkish – Israeli relations and the irresponsible Israeli-neocon effort to smear Turkey with the phony charge of islamo-fascisim (itself a logically absurd term). While Hadar thinks, in my view correctly, Ataturk would back Erdogan’s policies, one thing he does address is how Ataturk might have reacted to Israel’s provocations, …

Chuck Spinney: Turkey Rising &

Erdogan’s Gambit: Turkey Rising by PATRICK COCKBURN, Counterpunch, 13 September 2011 The Turkish Prime Minister, Tayyip Erdogan, arrived in Egypt yesterday at the start of a three-nation tour as Turkey toughens its stance towards Israel and seeks to become the predominant power among Muslim states in the Middle East and North Africa. After Egypt, Erdogan …