Robert Steele: Leonard Pozner Attempting to Delete and Make Invisible All Posts Critical of the Flawed Legal Finding in the Sandy Hook Case?

Attempt to Vanish Posts Critical of the Sandy Hook Hoax Libel Judgment A request under the name of Leonard Pozner — the plaintiff in that case — was submitted to Google, asking it to deindex these criticisms (which aren’t themselves covered by the judgment). ROBERT STEELE: I believe the Pozner vs Fetzner case in Wisconsin, …

Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! VIDEO ++

Part I: Top 50 books (cosmic mind-altering books) Part II: The other 2,000 books in 26 clusters (a national conversation) Part III: SPY IMPROV – Questions & Answers To view in full screen mode click on vimeo word at lower right screen. Additional videos, graphics, scripts, and linked tables of book reviews below.

Steven Aftergood: Leaker Intentions Are Ruled Out by Court

A Leaker’s Motives Are Irrelevant, Gov’t Says Disclosing classified information without authorization is a crime even if the leaker had good intentions and was motivated by a larger public interest, the government said this week. Therefore, any mention of the purpose of the disclosure should be ruled out of bounds in trial, government attorneys argued. …

Zero Hedge: Will McCabe Bring the FBI Down With Him? Will McCabe’s Indictment and the DoJ Memo Exonerate Mike Flynn?

Will McCabe Bring The FBI Down With Him? Authored by Daniel John Sobieski via The American Thinker blog, The DoJ’s rejection of a last-ditch appeal by the legal team representing fired FBI Director Andrew McCabe and the recommendation by federal prosecutors that charges actually be filed against the documented liar, leaker, and co-conspirator in the attempted coup …

Charles Hugh Smith: American Rot – Law for Sale

How Deep Is The Rot In America’s Institutions? How deep has the rot of corruption, fraud, abuse of power, betrayal of the public trust, blatant criminality and insiders protecting the guilty penetrated America’s key public and private institutions? It’s difficult to tell, as the law-enforcement and security agencies are themselves hopelessly compromised.

REVIEW: The Divide – American Injustice in the Ago of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi

SUMMARY REVIEW Seven Stars Life Transformational — Sickening Detailed Account of Trillion Dollar Crimes by Bankers Ignored While Black and Latino Workers are Beaten Daily for Profit at the Bottom of the Injustice Pyramid Review by Robert David Steele I read this book on my way to and from Dimensions of Disclosure where I delivered …