Handbook: Bullets and Blogs Information Operations

Invite your attention to attached — contains a couple of interesting observations about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): “…open source intelligence — catapulting it to primary place for new adversaries and increasingly for the U.S. military — and also rapid organizational learning and assembly of capabilities…”  [page 9] “…There are strong indications that Hezbollah made significant …

Journal: Information Operations (IO) Headlines

Obama staffer Cass Sunstein wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups In a 2008 academic paper, President Barack Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs advocated “cognitive infiltration” of groups that advocate “conspiracy theories” like the ones surrounding 9/11. Phi Beta Iota: Sunstein is a serious person, #2 after Lawrence Lessig …

Search: InfoOps (Information Operations (IO))

Search: The Future of OSINT is M4IS2 Search: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Reference: Information Operations (IO) Newsletters Reference: Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report on Information Operations (IO), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Cyberwar: Capabilities and Related Policy Issues Reference: Chinese Information Warfare

Reference: Information Operations (IO) Newsletters

This extraordinary resource is the personal initiative of Jeffrey S Harley,SMDC/ARSTRAT G39, Deputy, Information Operations.  As received, each new newsletter is posted to the Archives at the above permanent URL: http://www.oss.net/IO For many other references relevant to IO, see the original OSS page on IO.  See also our short Memorandum on Chinese Irregular Warfare.

Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube

This is a way of looking at Information Operations (IO) in an integrated fashion.  It is not possible to be effective at IO (of which all-source intelligence less than 10% of the total) or at governance at any level (global to local) without a holistic appreciation of all forms of knowledge.