SchwartzReport: Book on Congress Lacking Intelligence and Integrity — Literally Ignorant and Reduced to Partisan Posturing

I cannot express how strongly I agree with this.  My only critique: He does not properly place this in the context of the transition into the Age of the Non-geographical corporate states. If our democracy were functioning properly the lunatic Right Congresspersons would not be elected.  Click through to see the interview. It is worth …

SchwartzReport: Fractose = Overeating = Obesity = Government Lacking in Intelligence and Integrity

Brain image study: Fructose may spur overeating By MARILYNN MARCHIONE and MIKE STOBBE AP Medical Writers This is your brain on sugar – for real. Scientists have used imaging tests to show for the first time that fructose, a sugar that saturates the American diet, can trigger brain changes that may lead to overeating. After …

SchwartzReport: The Drugging of America Via Food — Enabled by the Loss of Intelligence and Integrity Across Whole of Government

We’re Eating What? The Drugstore in U.S. Meat. Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet, 2 December 2012 Food consumers seldom hear about the drugs oestradiol-17, zeranol, trenbolone acetate and melengestrol acetate and the names are certainly not on meat labels. But those synthetic growth hormones are central to U.S. meat production, especially beef, and the reason Europe has …

DefDog: Benghazi: No Intelligence, No Integrity, No Answers PLUS Planted Story in Washington Times?

Integrity lost….again. TRR: Is a General losing his job over Benghazi? Washington Times, 28 October 2012 Is an American General losing his job for trying to save the Americans besieged in Benghazi? This is the latest potential wrinkle in the growing scandal surrounding the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack that left four men dead and President …

Jon Lebkowsky: Bad Pharma – Lacking Intelligence AND Integrity

According to Cory Doctorow at bOING bOING, physicians often prescribe drugs that are ineffective or harmful because pharmaceutical companies provide misleading data, according to an article by Ben Goldacre in the Guardian, “The drugs don’t work: a modern medical scandal.” Goldacre is the author of the forthcoming book Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors …

Marcus Aurelius: DoD Tries to Rip 3/4 Billion Out of Health Care – Panetta Caught and Challenged by Congress on Integrity & Intelligence

Looks like Congress has caught DoD in a credibility and integrity breach: For years, DoD — including the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Service Chiefs, have been crying poormouth on military health care and trying to use military beneficiaries as cash cows to fund what should be 100% taxpayer-funded, …