Review (Guest): The Penguin and the Leviathan – How Cooperation Triumphs over Self-Interest

Yochai Benkler Robert Steele: This review is so useful in its summary and links to other books that it is being cross-posted to Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog. Both this book and its virtual sidekick, Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive completely miss the point of Statecraft as …

Worth a Look: Gary Null Progressive Web and Radio

America’s leading Health and Nutrition Expert Alternative Medicine and Natural Healing Advocate Award-Winning Talk Radio Host, Documentary Filmmaker & Investigative Reporter Time magazine called him “The New Mr. Natural.” My Generation magazine dubbed him one of the top-four health gurus in the United States. For over three decades, Gary Null has been one of the …

Mati Nissani: Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco

Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco “Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.”—Lenin  …by  Moti Nissani, Ph.D. Prof. Emeritus, Wayne State University Rand Paul Summary: For many years, the liberty movement’s aspirations and actions have been focused on the presidential candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul. In Early June, this strategy backfired, following …

Mini-Me: Greek Banks Run, IOUs New Drachma–Five Different Economies Running Side by Side in Greece

Huh? Greeks Bank Run; Lines Form at ATMs; Nearly $1 Billion Withdrawn in Past Week Without a government for the last eleven days, and amid mainstream discussion of a Euro Zone exit, the Greek people are realizing that the economic and political system as they know it is rapidly descending into chaos. With massive jobless …

John Steiner: Canary (Health) Party Calls Out US Government on Corruption in Food and Medical Industries Creating Mega Autism Epidemic

CDC to Announce New Autism Rate of 1 in 88, and Likely to Declare “No Public Health Emergency”and “No Epidemic” This week, the Canary Party expects CDC to announce a new autism prevalence rate of 1 in 88. As boys are diagnosed with autism at four times the rate of girls, this translates to 1 …