Berto Jongman: Ray Kurzweil on Man-Machine Future

Inside the Kurzweil SXSW Keynote: On Infinite Mind Power, Robotic Overlords and Immortality He is one of the world’s most renowned futurists, and onstage at South By Southwest, Ray Kurzweil stirred debate with a speech that outlined the incredible role artificial intelligence will play in the future, as it reshapes humanity South By Southwest Interactive …

Review: The KunstlerCast – Conversations with James Howard Kunstler

Duncan Crary, James Howard Kunstler 5.0 out of 5 stars Unique in Its Own Right, NOT a Substitute for Long Emergency,November 20, 2011 THIS IS AN OCCUPY BOOK. It illuminates legitimate grievances being talked about by Occupy. First, having read The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of …

Paul Fernhout: Encouragement for the Sick at Heart – Planning for US Collapse, Learning from Soviet Collapse

Always remember Howard Zinn’s remarks: “In this awful world where the efforts of caring people often pale in comparison to what is done by those who have power, how do I manage to stay involved and seemingly happy? I am totally confident not that the world will get better, but that we should not give …