Robert Parry: NYT Lies About the Russians

NYT’s Absurd New Anti-Russian Propaganda If the dangers weren’t so great – a possible nuclear war that could exterminate life on the planet – The New York Times over-the-top denunciation of all things Russian would be almost funny, like the recent front-page story finding something uniquely sinister about Russia using inflatable decoys of military weapons …

Owl: WikiLeaks Posts 30,000 Searchable Emails — Could Russians Give Trump the Others as an “October Surprise”?

30,000 emails is not that many — highly likely she held back most of the emails on Wall Street, Saudi, and Israeli conflicts of interest — cash to the Clinton Foundation for US war-mongering policies. Noteworthy that Facebook censored this — Trump should demand an investigation into value of the undeclared in kind financial contributions …

Chuck Spinney: Turks Ambushed Russians – Analysis by Pierre Sprey in Conversation with Andrew Cockburn

While circumstances of the recent  shoot-down of the Russian SU-24 by a Turkish F-16 in the border region of Turkey and Syria remain murky, this is best analysis that I have seen to date.    Be warned, however: I am biased, both the interviewer and the interviewee are good friends of mine. The map below …

Wayne Madsen: CIA; Turks created caliphate to launch attacks on Russia and China UPDATE 2 Russians Accuse CIA on ISIS

October 5-6, 2015 — CIA; Turks created caliphate to launch attacks on Russia and China CIA has been nurturing Russian and Chinese terrorists inside Syria. CONCLUSION: When Obama and his mouth pieces claim that Russia is attacking “non-jihadist” targets in Syria they are being disingenuous. What they should say, if they wanted to be honest, …