SchwartzReport: A Single Breakthrough That Could Cut Costs on Solar Energy by 25%

A Single Breakthrough That Could Cut Costs on Solar Energy by 25% Costs on solar are coming down steeply, and now they’re about to get even cheaper. A group of chemists at Ohio State University has invented a solar panel that stores energy without an external battery. The self-contained tuner/capacitor panels are already being licensed …

SchwartzReport: Solar Trumps Fossil — And Cost Drops 30% Each Time Installed Solar Doubles in Any Given Area…

This is lovely good news about the transition out of our carbon energy addiction. The report presents what I think is an accurate assessment of the Non-carbon Energy Trend. In spite of constant government coddling, endless subsidies, and the huge sums available to buy influence, along with ads to protect its dominance, carbon energy is …

SchwartzReport: Fukushima’s Children Dying — and Solar Power Break-Through Obviates Nuclear and Fossil Fuels

Here is the latest on Fukushima, and it is tragically sad. Remember that radiation contamination sourced at the site continues to pollute Japan, Japanese waters, and the world ocean. Note the last paragraphs. In American nuclear accidents the government has been similarly duplicitous. That’s because nuclear accidents are so horrible governments everywhere don’t want the …

SchwartzReport: Koch Brothers Seek to Repress Solar Power Across USA

Here is the Koch brothers’ latest move. These are evil people. Homeowners and businesses that wish to generate their own cheap, renewable energy now have a force of conservative political might to contend with, and the Koch brothers are leading the charge. The L.A. Times, to its credit, found the positive spin to put on …