Sepp Hasslberger: Scientists Discover How to Generate Solar Power in the Dark

A new way of capturing and storing energy from sunlight. Photoswitches are not ready for prime time yet, but the principle has been demonstrated. Scientists Discover How to Generate Solar Power in the Dark Meet ‘photoswitches,’ a breakthrough set of materials that act as their own batteries, absorbing energy and releasing it on demand. The …

Owl: Nevada Land Fight About Fracking Over Cattle? Senator Harry Reid Making a Bundle Sponsoring Chinese Solar Power Plant on Public Land Tea Party Calls This Our Tiananmen Square Showdown — Snipers and Blackwater Deployed

The futurist lets it rip: Gerald Celente: Bundy Range War a Fascist Dream The real reason they are going after Bundy, making way for the frackers? Mike Adams lays out the case in detail for frackers behind federal persecution of Bundy: “This document from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology(1) shows significant exploratory drilling …

Sepp Hasslberger: Solar Hydrogen Cheapest Safest Energy?

If what they claim is true and the reactor puts out many times the input equivalent in hydrogen, it may change the way we see energy as a scarce commodity… Solar Hydrogen Trends produced a reactor – 400 times over-unity? From – March 15, 4:00 PM Solar Hydrogen Trends Inc. invented a Hydrogen Reactor. …

Sepp Hasslberger: IBM Solar Collector Magnifies Sun by 2000X – Could be Power Solution for Entire Planet

IBM Solar Collector Magnifies Sun By 2000X – These Could Provide Power To The Entire Planet A team at IBM recently developed what they call a High Concentration Photo Voltaic Thermal (HCPVT) system that is capable of concentrating the power of 2,000 suns, they are even claiming to be able to concentrate energy safely up …

Jean Lievens: Peru Providing Solar Electricity to the Poor Via National Program

From – January 22, 7:57 PM Peru, where currently only some 66% of the population has access to electricity, will install solar panels in a National Photovoltaic Household Electrification Program for 500,000 of the poorest households. The project, which was kicked off recently in Contumaza province with the installation of some 1600 solar panels, will eventually …