Eagle: Israel Does the Shiksa, “Owns” Obama

Shiksa: a disparaging and offensive term applied to a non-Jewish girl or woman.  As in “Shiksas don’t count.” 2013 Budget: ‘Difficult Cuts’ for Americans, Jackpot for Israel EXTRACT: Yet, instead of reducing or even just freezing levels of U.S. military aid to Israel, President Obama wants to provide Israel with $3.1 billion of U.S. taxpayer-funded …

Winslow Wheeler: “Defense” Budget – the Full Enchilada

Last Monday, after the Pentagon released its 2013 budget materials, just about every news article I read inaccurately reported the totals.  These articles did not just miss some significant bits not in DOD’s press release; they ignored another $380 billion in spending for US national security spending if you take the time to parse through …

Eagle: Israel Funds MKO; MKO Funds US Politicians

‘Israel funds MKO; MKO funds US politicians’ Iranian PressTV, 11 February 2012 A senior political analyst says numerous prominent US political figures are receiving “substantial fees” from the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) that is in turn funded by Israel. “One of the most under-reported political stories of the last year is the devoted advocacy …

Penguin: “Or Your Lying Eyes…” Truth and Fiction in the News Business – Conspiracy of Lies While US Networks Prepare & Rehearse for Israeli Attack on Iran

“Or Your Lying Eyes…” Truth and Fiction in the News Business Alex Cockburn Counterpunch, Weekend Edition February 10-12, 2012 If you want a sense of what could well lie in store for Syria, go no further than Anthony Shadid’s report from Libya in the New York Times for February 9. Shadid, a good reporter, describes …