Robert Garigue: Security as the Guarantor of Values Executed by Systems–Security as Truth & Trust

This is a hugely important slide, and in our view a major advance in understanding of the function of security–it is NOT about defense per se, but rather about accountability and reliability–security is a guarantor of the values of truth & trust as embedded in every datum, every algorithm, every function, every time sequence. See …

Reference: Truth & Nuance as an Information Operations (IO) Mission

Aldous Huxley Would Be Proud by Kelley B. Vlahos, December 14, 2010 EXTRACT:  British novelist Aldous Huxley was a social critic and futurist, who is best known for penning Brave New World, which, aside from being a nearly 80-year-old science fiction masterpiece, is both an allegory and prophecy for 21st Century western society. Huxley’s finger …

Worth a Look: TruthOut Column on Making Government Work

Introducing the “Solutions: Making Government Work” Column on Truthout Tuesday 07 December 2010 Dina Rasor Tomorrow, Truthout will debut my new column: “Solutions: Making Government Work.” This weekly column will be a platform for myself and others with inside experience to seek solutions to ineffectiveness, waste and ingrained problems within the federal government. . . …

Journal: Pentagon Network Attacks–Cloud Truth?

Despite Scare Talk, Attacks on Pentagon Networks Drop By Noah Shachtman WIRED Danger Room October 28, 2010 Listen to the generals speak, and you’d think the Pentagon’s networks were about to be overrun with worms and Trojans. But a draft federal report indicates that the number of “incidents of malicious cyber activity” in the Defense …

Sharp Insights: Truth Central to Competitive Intelligence

SharpInsights #53: Modern Advice From a Long-Dead Roman Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a Roman dramatist, Stoic philosopher, politician, and history’s earliest proponent of competitive intelligence. Wait…what? One of Seneca’s most famous quotes is a management mantra: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” For executives making decisions in a recession-battered marketplace, “preparation” means more than …