Reference: Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility as Virtual Currency

Is there an App for that? Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility as Virtual Currency Venessa Miemis | April 18, 2011 at 8:10 pm | Tags: corporate social responsibility, currency, sustainability | Categories: future of the web, projects | URL: I came across a few cool projects today that made me wonder when we’ll have …

Event: 3-5 May Mountain View Internet Identity Workshop, Part of Identity Commons

IIW #12 is May 3-5, 2011 in Mountain View, California. Registration is Open & sponsorship opportunities are available. Read more details about the event on our blog. Originally founded in 2005 IIW is focused on user-centric digital identity. As the community focus shifts beyond just identity the event is inclusive of the Federated Social Web, …


Updated 1 June 2017 Below in two columns are righteous sites and professional sites of note. RIGHTEOUS SITES OF NOTE 9/11 Academic Earth Adblock Plus (add-on) A Force More Powerful Afrigadget A Human Right (Internet Access) Aid Data Akshaya Trust (feeding & housing) ALEC Exposed Alliance for Separation of School & State …

Graphic: True Cost of a Cotton T-Shirt

2014-07-03 Tip of the Hat to Joe Hudson & Bill for catching Robert Steele’s typo (fuel is grams vice gallons, a convention used to integrate varying forms of measuring fuel) As created by Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz, visit Re-Configure See Also: Data-Hacking the Cotton T-Shirt: True Cost (water,energy,travel,emissions,toxins,import costs,child labor,fertilizer) As First Used in HOPE 2010 …

Liberation Technology Stakeholders…

Preliminary List of Stakeholders Appropedia Brave New Software Creative Commons Electronic Frontier Foundation Free Network Movement Free Software Foundation FreedomBox Future Forward Institute New America Foundation Open Source Ecology P2P Foundation Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium Tor Project Anonymnity Online Unhosted–Open Web Standard for Decentralizing World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Phi Beta Iota: We disagree on …

Reference: Internet Censorship Circumvention

Global Voices Blog Critique from Jacob Appelbaum: My motivation for writing this response is to inform readers of the serious concerns that many people, myself included, have about the recent Freedom House report. I am always pleased to see more analysis of censorship circumvention and Internet security tools, but I have concerns about this report’s …