Berto Jongman: USG Kill Switch for Cellular Confirmed

Cell Phone Kill Switch Confirmed – Conspiracy Theory No Longer – Is This Why Cell Phone Services Have Been Going Out Across America? Two weeks later, we may have finally gotten an answer to that question…at least if we look in between the lines. Standard Operating Procedure 303 (SOP303) is the federal government’s ‘kill switch …

USS Liberty Update: Israel Jammed Distress Frequencies, 4 out of 5 Torpedoes Missed, Ran Out of Ammunition — Intent Was to Sink Ship, Kill All

As the Zionist government of Israel continues to meddle in US internal matters, massing its legions of unregistered agents against the Iran treaty — most of these domestic agents bribed by payments (at a time when the US taxpayer funds 20% of the Israeli government budget) and all taking direction from this foreign power, it …

Berto Jongman: OSCAR – Open Source Communications, Analytics and Research Development Centre (UK)

Police, uni study of social media The National Counter Terrorism Command, UK police forces and academia are behind an Open Source Communications, Analytics and Research (OSCAR) Development Centre. Co-ordinated through Cardiff University’s Universities’ Police Science Institute (UPSI), the new centre will bring together academics and police practitioners to develop a research evidence base on the …

Berto Jongman: 6 Corporations Control Science

Nearly All Scientific Papers Controlled By Same Six Corporations Researchers looked at scientific literature published between 1973 – 2013 and found that companies ACS, Reed Elsevier, Sage, Taylor & Francis, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell controlled nearly every single one.

Cynthia McKinny: PschDrugShooters

Someone has taken the time to catalog mass shooters in relation to the psychological drugs  they have been prescribed. PsychDrugShooters See Also: Michael Moore: Are SSRI Antidepressant drugs causing School Shootings? Prozac, Luvox Investigation