Graphic: Concept for Liberation Communications

Phi Beta Iota: An interested group of funders who approached Earth Intelligence Network asked the obvious question: why isn’t the US Government doing  this?  Where is public diplomacy, covert action, soft war, and so on?  Our answer was straight forward: the US Government does not want to liberate peoples, it chooses instead to spend borrowed …

Reference: Dr. Joseph Tainter, Seven YouTube Segments on “Why Societies Collapse and What It Means to Us”

Utah State University. Professor in the Department of Environment & Society, (Social conflict in environmental issues, human responses to climate change and environmental degradation, human uses of energy and resources). “We Need An Adult Conversation–Our Political System is Dysfunctional” See Also: Review: The Collapse of Complex Societies Complexity & Catastrophe (103) Complexity & Resilience (119) …

Search: presentation re leadership strategy

presentation re leadership strategy much too general presentations Briefings & Lectures (81), Historic Contributions (265), Briefings (Core) (38) leadership (book reviews):  Leadership (58)  strategy (book reviews):  Strategy (102) Wild ass guess as to what you were looking for: 2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America — 2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile) 2010: Human …

Event/Trip Report/Reference: 1200-1330 8 Apr Woodrow Wilson Center DC In Search of a National Security Narrative for the 21st Century

“The National Conversation” Debuts The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has announced a new initiative launching April 8, 2011: The National Conversation at the Woodrow Wilson Center. The National Conversation will examine overarching themes of U.S. international and domestic policy, drawing on high-profile guests and experts from all sides of the political sphere to …