SchwartzReport: Senate Republicans — 36 of Them — Seek to Screw Labor — And Make Case for Keeping the Senate Democratic in 2014

Almost every day I read stories about Republican actions to subvert the wellbeing of the middle class. It is amazing to me. They just roll in day after day, each one more extreme and hurtful than the one before it. Here is an example. Frankly, and I know this will offend the 14 per cent …

Chuck Spinney: Fed Up With Larry Summers + Immoral Economics RECAP

IMO … Greider is one of the most astute observers of the Fed and the pro-plutocratic antics of the Neo-Liberal Democrats. Fed Up With Larry Summers by William Greider Extract: Don’t be misled. Those who dig into his old speeches and pronouncements will find rich material to make the case for rejecting him. The question …

Dolphin: Selfish traits not favoured by evolution, study shows

Selfish traits not favoured by evolution, study shows By Melissa Hogenboom  BBC News, 2 August 2013 Evolution does not favour selfish people, according to new research. This challenges a previous theory which suggested it was preferable to put yourself first. Instead, it pays to be co-operative, shown in a model of “the prisoner’s dilemma”, a …

SchwartzReport: Snapshot of Deep Evil in US Banks & Commerce — Enabled by Direct Corruption of Government

Here is an excellent assessment of how the corruption that is eating away our democracy like a cancer operates. “Bagful of Cash” Report Exposing the US Chamber of Commerce CARL GIBSON – Reader Supported News The following is an excerpt from Shut the Chamber’s new 28-page report, “Bagful of Cash: How the U.S. Chamber of …

Review: Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America

John Nichols and Rbbert W. McChesney 4.0 out of 5 stars Sickening at Two Levels — Superb Indictment of Periphery, Completely Avoids Two Party Tyranny Issue, July 19, 2013 This book makes me sick at two levels. Level 1: It is the best treatment available of what I and many others have been saying for …