Military Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2005 US Military Steele US Army Conference: E3i: Making the Revolution 2005 US Military USA Army Modernization Briefing 2004 US Military Simmons Foreword to the Draft SOF OSINT Handbook 2004 NL Military Wiebes SIGINT in Bosnia 2003 US Military Hardee OSINT in Support of Special Operations 2003 US Military Harrison OSINT Requirements, Collection, & Production …

BASIC: Open Source Intelligence Familiarization Documents (Original)

Document (1 Page):  Open Source Intelligence Familiarization Documents 2.0 Above in document form, below in full text online, is the original document created in 2006. Open Source Intelligence Familiarization Documents                The intent of this single-page document is to share basic knowledge about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Reference: Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) Number 301: National Open Source Enterprise

Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment (DOI: 11 August 2009) This well-intentioned document is the sole surviving legacy of the first ADDNI/OS who was destined to fail for multiple reasons, not least of which was the lack of seriousness with which all three DNI’s have chosen to treat OSINT.  As best we can tell OSINT is …

2006 THE SMART NATION ACT: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest

Congressman Rob Simmons (R-CT-02) lost by eighty-three votes in 2006.  A retired U.S. Army Colonel who pioneered Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and whose service on the House Committee for Homeland Security focused on the urgency of greating public intelligence useful to our state, county, municipality, and tribal leaders, his defeat came in part because two …