Yoda: Google — By Its Own Admission — Indexes Less Than 0.04% Of The Internet

Betrayal, this is. 18 Fun Interesting Facts You Never Knew About The Internet James Bruce MakeUseOf.com, 10 December 2010 EXTRACT Google estimates that the Internet today contains about 5 million terabytes of data (1TB = 1,000GB), and claims it has only indexed a paltry 0.04% of it all! You could fit the whole Internet on …

Army of Techies Taking on City Hall, Coding to Fix Local America, and Developing the Do-It-Yourself City

How an Army of Techies Is Taking on City Hall By: Anya Kamenetz, November 29, 2010 Fast Company article on citizens (and yes, politicians are citizens) engaging in basic community maintenance, and those working to make web and mobile technologies use city data and neighborhood requests for community care-taking. Links mentioned: + SeeClickFix + OpenPlans …

Event: 16–19 Jan 2011 Honolulu, Hawaii; Pacific Telecommunications Council 2011, Connecting Life 24/7

PTC’11: Connecting Life 24/7 will examine how telecom is changed and challenged by always-connected users with new requirements and preferences, the transformation of the value chain, changing regulatory concerns, and new demands for high-performance infrastructure. PTC’11 Program Highlights Monday, 17 January 2011 Carrier Transformation Ihab Tarazi, VP, Global Network Planning, Verizon, USA Joe Weinman, Communications, …