John Robb: Gold Bubble–Gold Not Welcome in New Era

Nouriel “Dr. Doom” Roubini is slamming the run up in the gold market: it’s the new subprime bubble only worse.  It’s leveraged 25-40x not just 5-10x.  It’s just another example of the global market’s central planning directorate in action.  Another massive/bad investment by those with all the decision making power.  It may also be a good …

Worth a Look: Discerning the Truth in Libya

Phi Beta Iota:   Bottom line: USA/NATO operating a massive Information Operations (IO) campaign while introducing ground forces not authorized by Congress, and committing what we consider to be mass atrocities (war crimes) in the deliberative destruction of the capital city and other infrastructure targets across the country. Libya Latest News Thursday Lure of Oil: ‘NATO …

Tom Atlee: Citizen Deliberations – Chart and Options

Dear Friends I am quite excited about the progress that has been made in various citizen political participation proposals. All of these clearly have tremendous potential and the articulations of their rationales are becoming quite compelling. With such innovative deliberative democracy proposals, I want them to be thought through well beforehand, engaging a variety of …

John Robb: Urban Farming, Urban Zoning in Flux

Portland Oregon is working on revising zoning regulations regarding urban market farms.  Early debate indicates that the protection of traditional approaches to real-estate value (ornamental residences, noise/traffic abatement, etc.) is the priority.  Given the scale of the economic crisis that is already upon us, this approach is completely broken.  They should be focused on building …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Baruch Fischhoff

BARUCH FISCHHOFF, Ph.D., is the Howard Heinz University Professor in the departments of Social and Decision Sciences and of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, where he heads the Decision Sciences major. A graduate of the Detroit Public Schools, he holds a BS in mathematics and psychology from Wayne State University and an …

Howard Rheingold: Cooperation Theory

Introduction to Cooperation Theory A six week course using asynchronous forums, blogs, wikis, mindmaps, social bookmarks, synchronous audio, video, chat, and Twitter to introduce the fundamentals of an interdisciplinary study of cooperation: social dilemmas, institutions for collective action, the commons, evolution of cooperation, technologies of cooperation, and cooperative arrangements in biology from cells to ecosystems. …