Berto Jongman: Six Government Lies on Videotape?

Surveillance Has the Gov’t Lied on Snooping? Let’s Go to the Videotape By Kara Brandeisky and Stephen Suen, ProPublica Published July 30, 2013 Since Edward Snowden leaked a trove of documents detailing the NSA’s sweeping surveillance programs, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper acknowledged that part of his congressional testimony in March was “erroneous.” But …

Penguin: Accountability Looms for Cheney, Bush, Blair

UK Spy Warns of Iraq War Disclosures Exclusive: For more than a decade since the Iraq invasion, President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and their senior aides have stuck to the story of innocent intelligence mistakes and evaded accountability. But the code of silence may crack if top British spy Richard Dearlove tells his story, says ex-UK intelligence officer Annie Machon. By …

Preston James: White House About to Go Public on extraterrestrials?

Secret Space War V: Exopolitics Veterans Today, 22 July 2013 Recently there have been well founded rumors that the USG is now in the process of setting up an official Office for Exopolitics and considering several esteemed individuals from which to choose a director to run this new office. Exopolitics is the official, public admission …

Ray McGovern: General Hayden’s Glass House

Gen. Hayden’s Glass House By Ray McGovern July 21, 2013 Editor Note: Official Washington’s national security/mainstream media incest was on scandalous display when ex-NSA chief Michael Hayden posed as a CNN analyst to denounce Edward Snowden for exposing surveillance excesses that Hayden had a hand in creating. Former National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden should …

Anthony Judge: Would US Prosecute Jesus Today?

Would Jesus Now be Prosecuted by US? As a law-breaker — like Manning, Assange and Snowden — Yes we can! Introduction Legality of the trial of Jesus Controversial interpretations of justice Precedence of property protection over emergence of truth Embodiment of transcendental truth Achieving simplicity in a world of complexity Disclosure of truth as endangering …

4th Media: Russian or Cuban Play on Snowden Hints at Chavez Cancer from CIA

Snowden Hasn’t Yet Had the Last Word: Truth about the Suspicious Death of Chaves? Is That Why US So Nervous? The threats and ultimatums with which the Obama administration is bombarding potential harborers of Edward Snowden should not surprise anyone. No other reaction from the U.S. authorities is possible. The likelihood that Snowden will be able to …