2011 Food Crisis, Urban Gardening, Social Systems

Dear friends, Food is basic. Lester Brown — founder of both the Worldwatch Institute and the Earth Policy Institute, author of over 50 books on environmental issues, recipient of 26 honorary degrees and a MacArthur Fellowship, and (according to the Washington Post) “one of the world’s most influential thinkers” — has just published a cogent …

Journal: Wind Power Boondoggle–and the Information Operations (IO) Challenge of Energy and Time in Relation to Policy, Acquisition, and Operations

My good friend Robert Bryce, author of the must-read Power Hungry: The Myths of ‘Green’ Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future just launched this little torpedo. A Wind Power Boonedoggle T. Boone Pickens badly misjudged the supply and price of natural gas. By ROBERT BRYCE, Wall Street Journal, 22 December 2010 After 30 …

Journal: Death to the Big Wasteful Grid, Life Energy is LOCAL

Saturday 16 Oct 2010 Concerns about Utility-Scale Wind on Vermont’s Ridgelines Commentary by:  Jock Gill How are we going to reduce Vermont’s carbon footprint and at the same time protect Vermont’s agricultural heritage and family farms, create local jobs, and stimulate small business formation?  Is utility-scale wind part of the solution? I would suggest the answer …