Jim Willie: Supreme Court Election 2020 Bottom Line

Friend of the Court: Original Jurisdiction by Jim Willie CB    December 8, 2020 – Republished with Permission SUMMARY Much distraction has come with state level hearings and corrupt panels in the so-called swing states during the US Presidential Election. The Trump Legal team has two layers at work. The first is visible to the public, …

Cynthia McKinney: COVID Weaponized Against Europeans?

There is at least one strain out there that targets Europeans but does not select Ashkenazi Jews, the Amish, and Finns according to this study. New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis COVID-19 is strangely and tragically selective. We found unique genetic susceptibility across different populations in ACE2 and …

Penguin: Web 3.0 Decentralized Internet Advances

Kiwi software company paves the way for mainstream decentralisation Sylo, the software development company, has launched Oya, which has been described as ‘the beginning of mainstream decentralisation’. Oya is a complete reimagining of their backend architecture that leads the way for mainstream decentralisation.

Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening [Foreword by Robert Steele] – Absolutely Essential Reading for Every Person of Conscience on Earth

Short URL for telling others: https://tinyurl.com/Geddes-Open Open Your mind TO CHANGE: A guidebook to the Great Awakening Preface Why I Am Optimistic About the Future The Great Awakening The Storm: How To Prepare For a Global Corruption Purge? Crossing The Schism Dark And Light: The Revolution Within The Silent War And Digital Soldiers Death Of …

Answers on OSINT for India 24 – Does Open Source Information Sharing by Secret Agencies Have Security Downsides?

Sir, as we know info sharing is the strategy in OSINT. I observed that info is majorly multi-domain i.e. whatever we collect has security implications in major domains. For example, if a SIGINT operator pounces upon some piece of grey lit that has one portion concerning diplomacy then the same part needs to be conveyed …

Review (Guest): Open Secrets – The Explosive Memoirs of an Indian Intelligence Officer by Maloy Krishna Dhar

5 Stars – An Unnoticed Dying Declaration “I am not a Satan turned saint. It is not that I woke up one night and felt the bite of conscience. I have tried to explain that I have been a victim to two quarrelling squirrels inside me. The bread earner mostly defeated the dream merchant. I …