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Anthony Judge: Flatulence is a Problem Aired Resmelling the stench of past undertakings (personal, organizational, and national)

Flatulence is a Problem Aired: Resmelling the stench of past undertakings Introduction Resmelling the stench of past undertakings — review and commentary — Flatulence | Internationalism | Absurdity of the global problematique — Unusual smells | Crisis of crises | Irrelevance | Mediocrity | Connectivity — Collective impotence | Questions and answers | Plethora of …

SmartPlanet: Half of All Food Wasted

Half of all food wasted By Mark Halper | January 10, 2013 The world throws away up to half of its food according to an alarming report that blames consumers’ fussy preference for cosmetically appealing produce, supermarket promotions that encourage overbuying, and deficient storage, transportation and agricultural practices. Between 1.2 billion and 2 billion metric …

Berto Jongman: Eight Paradigm Shifts — Starting Now…

Are We on the Verge of an Interspiritual Age? By Bernard Starr (about the author) EXTRACT The horrific events that we read about and view in vivid television reports hardly testify to an imminent state of spiritual elevation. Conflict, greed, self-interest, divisiveness, warfare and even genocide are as prevalent on the world stage today as …

John Steiner: THE GLOBAL MARCH TOWARD PEACE by Gareth Evans*

A starting point for the new Secretaries of State and Defense. THE GLOBAL MARCH TOWARD PEACE by Gareth Evans Gareth Evans, Australia’s foreign minister for eight years and President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group, is currently Chancellor of the Australian National University and co-chair of the Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect. As …

Yoda: China Thinking — Rifkin Rising — Not Enough

Free, energy is.  Corrupt, governments are. The London Times: China Embraces Rifkin’s Third Industrial Revolution The London Times reported that members of the twenty-four person Politburo and senior party officials are reading and actively discussing Jeremy Rifkin’s New York Times bestselling book, The Third Industrial Revolution, on the eve of the National Party Congress on November 8th that will usher …