Free, energy is. Corrupt, governments are.
The London Times: China Embraces Rifkin’s Third Industrial Revolution
The London Times reported that members of the twenty-four person Politburo and senior party officials are reading and actively discussing Jeremy Rifkin’s New York Times bestselling book, The Third Industrial Revolution, on the eve of the National Party Congress on November 8th that will usher in the new leadership of China– see attached article from the November 3rd edition of The London Times
According to The Times of London, the Chinese leadership is taking up Rifkin’s vision of linking internet technology with renewable energies, to prepare China for a dramatic shift into a sustainable post-carbon Third Industrial Revolution economy in the 21st century. The Third Industrial Revolution has been the number one bestselling economics book in China for more than four months.
Mr. Rifkin is the principal architect of the European Union’s Third Industrial Revolution long-term economic development model to reindustrialize Europe, address climate change, and create a low-carbon, single integrated market across the twenty-seven member states – see link to European Commission website and Mr. Rifkin’s keynote address at the European Commission’s Mission Growth Conference on May 29, 2012.
Mr. Rifkin is also an advisor to a number of EU heads of state including Angela Merkel of Germany. Rifkin's Third Industrial Revolution vision and economic development plan has recently been embraced by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as the economic model for transitioning emerging nations into a post-carbon society.
At a time when the United States is floundering, without a comprehensive long-term plan to regrow the economy and address the urgent issue of climate change, the European Union and now China are beginning to lay the groundwork for a transition into a Third Industrial Revolution and a new economic paradigm.
Phi Beta Iota: Yoda makes an important point. The US Government specifically, and many other governments, ignored the Peak Oil and Limits to Growth warnings in the 1970's because government are corrupt and have allowed legacy industries to buy their silence and cripple their intelligence communities. A Director of National Intelligence — regardless of what their mandate is — has ample funds with which to create holistic Whole of Government intelligence that is unclassified and that therefore cannot be ignored. Intelligence without integrity is not intelligence. The truth at any cost lowers all other costs. This is not rocket science. Energy should be free, right now. It can be free, beginning in Chile, within five years. It can be free, across the USA, if a distributed micro-grid model is funded at the same time that we draw down all government investments that are based on corruption and ideology.
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