How Chris Christie Can Win — State Rights, Electoral Reform, Fantasy Cabinet, & More

DISCLOSURE: My focus is on restoring integrity to the electoral and governance process, not on a particular candidate. I have offered these ideas to other candidates including Donald Trump and Jon Huntsman and will observe that Bernie Sanders in particular refuses to contemplate the reality that 60% of our voters are disenfranchised. If we are …

Worth a Look: Tamera – School and Research Station for a Future without War — a Realistic Utopia

Tamera is a School and Research Station for Realistic Utopia The project was founded in Germany in 1978. In 1995 it moved to Portugal. Today 170 people live and work on a property of 330 acres. The founding thought was to develop a non-violent life model for cooperation between human being, animal and nature. Soon it …

Blake Percival, IC Security Clearance Whistleblower, Wins One on the Margins

The whistleblower who exposed U.S.’s flawed security clearance system finally gets his reward By Christian Davenport, The Washington Post, 18 December 2015 “I hate that we dump,” one of them confided. “What do you mean?” Blake Percival asked. The answer — that the company was cutting corners performing the federal background checks used in granting …

Marcin Jakubowski: Open Source Ecology & Technology – Creating a Maker Culture

How Open Source Ecology & Technology Will Revolutionize the Maker Culture & Change the World We have before us the great potential for the emergence of the ‘maker culture,’ a culture where communities make what they need out of what they already have, using ideas and plans developed, tested and shared freely via open source. Among the …

Sepp Hasslberger: Water Desalination with Shock Waves

A new, less complicated method of purifying water of salt and contaminants… could become very useful. Research team invents efficient shockwave-based process for desalination of water Now a team at MIT has come up with an innovative approach that, unlike most traditional desalination systems, does not separate ions or water molecules with filters, which can …

NOW Will You Listen? Paris Attacks Bring Home Need for a Grand Strategy Based on the Truth…

After Paris: An American Grand Strategy – Evidence-Based, Affordable, Balanced, Flexible — No Longer Ignoring Gladio, Wahhabism, or Traitors in Our Own Ranks Robert David Steele UPDATED 22 November 2015 The Paris attacks bring home far better than any words of mine just how desperately lacking we are in both intelligence and integrity. None of …