The Steele Report: Grades & Topics This Week

Robert grades White House, Society, UK/Israel as Green, Message as Yellow, and Economy as Red. He addresses these topics in this week’s report: When will Donald Trump return? Steele on Solutions – my new overview of specifics that no one else offers

Ed Jewett: Zionists & Catholics Subverting USA – An Illegal Immigration Case Study

Tip of the Hat to Gateway Pundit for another great look at how the Zionists (Red Mafiya never to be confused with Judaism) and Catholics are subverting the USA by enabling illegal immigration — this is part of the Marxist open borders, multiculturalism, anti-American agenda. Delta, United Airlines Are Providing African Migrants Free Flights To …

Mary W. Maxwell, Trump’s Lawsuit against Twitter Is a Masterpiece. It Will Save Us!

Mary W. Maxwell, Trump’s Lawsuit against Twitter Is a Masterpiece. It Will Save Us! This lawsuit is superb. It is brilliant. It will solve the problem of Free Speech. Thank you, Twitter, for making such an egregious error in shutting down the communication of a sitting president of the United States. Thank you, Jack Dorsey, …